Comparison of worldwide gasoline prices, relative to a country’s average income and fuel consumption, displayed in different currencies and units of measurement.
This gas price ranking is sorted by average fuel price and by pain at the pump—which measures the
percentage of a day’s wages that are needed to buy a unit of gas. The third column shows the percentage of
personal income spent each year filling up.
Rolling over each colored bar allows one to compare these metrics between two
different countries. Interesting comparisons can be seen between countries that have a
high pain at the pump ranking (Pakistan) against those with a very low ranking (Venezuela).
To make comparisons more meaningful to a global audience, one can change the currency
and unit of measurement in which to display the data as well as the time period.
The user can cycle through the rankings of 61 countries or directly
select one from a list organized alphabetically within regions.
Highlighting individual regions of the world.
Demo video of features
Early experiment in R, displaying the data as a bubble chart.
Seeing country data displayed as color-coded bars in the spreadsheet informed the final design.
Early wireframe using the bubble chart format
Pain at the Pump was intended to replace
the traditional slideshow
Lisa Strausfeld & Martin Keohan, co-heads of Visual Data
Hilla Katki, design director
Christopher Cannon, senior designer
Jeremy Diamond, interaction designer/prototyper
Kenton Powell, designer
Brenda Zysman, developer